Sunday, December 23, 2012

Friday, November 30, 2012

Works in Progress, Nov 29, 2012

 "Heliopsis in Blue and Orange with Glyphs"
Oil, Gold Leaf & Silver Leaf on Canvas with pine needles,
 displayed with autumn leaves and pine needles in a pottery vessel

"Decay of the Angel #2," Oil and Acrylic on Canvas,
after 2 days of painting

"Decay of the Angel, #3" Oil on Canvas,
after 3 days of painting

"Decay of the Angel #1", Oil on Canvas,
after 5 days of painting
(the colors are more muted, not so vibrant or dark in the real painting)

Sunday, October 14, 2012

"Heliopsis in Blue and Orange with Glyphs," an INI painting by Maryclaire

 "Heliopsis in Blue and Orange with Glyphs," an INI Digital painting I composed in Adobe Photoshop from a photo I took of the garden

After Day Five of painting

October 22, 2011

The Oil Painting, "Heliopsis in Blue and Orange" on Wednesday morning, Oct 17th,
Day 4 of Painting


After Day 2 of painting in oil  

"Heliopsis in Blue and Orange with Glyphs," 

using as my source my INI Digital painting I composed in Adobe Photoshop 

 Closeup After Day 2 of painting in oil  "Heliopsis in Blue and Orange with Glyphs," 


 Closeup After Day 2 of painting in oil  

"Heliopsis in Blue and Orange with Glyphs," 


Closeup After Day 2 of painting in oil  

"Heliopsis in Blue and Orange with Glyphs," 


Closeup After Day 2 of painting in oil  

"Heliopsis in Blue and Orange with Glyphs," 


Closeup After Day 2 of painting in oil  

"Heliopsis in Blue and Orange with Glyphs," 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

"Bluebeard with Sedum in September's Golden Light"

A work-in-progress in oil and gold leaf on canvas

Closeup of Sedum

Closeup of Bluebeard Blossom

Another Closeup of the Painting

After 5 more hours of painting, this is how the painting has evolved

 A closeup of the canvas and brush strokes at 6 pm

On October 10, I have been working on this painting . . . 
and the Monarch butterfly is finished but I am still painting  

the honeybees, dragonfly and the orange Atalantic Fritillary

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

le petit bouquet dans le pot de gingembre chinois, aquarelle sur

In the watercolor medium, I am revisiting classical themes 
with flower bouquet + hopefully, reflecting a postmodern sensibility . . .

le petit bouquet dans le pot de gingembre chinois, aquarelle sur

 le motif de ma nappe à manger de la Provence

 les taches irrégulières de tons chauds et froids donnent une plasticité

An Earlier Petit Bouquet . . .

. . . which became a series of digital paintings 

including this  "la danse de l'INI petit bouquet"

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Iris - 1 a new watercolor, June 28, 2012

Iris - a new watercolor 

the final stage of my new Iris watercolor is to paint the white space with irregular patches of pale blue and aqua to make the Orange Iris "pop", creating a kind of Push-Pull, a plasticity to the painting, so that the Iris seems to "dance" 

is to