Monday, January 30, 2012

working in the studio on Sunday afternoon

On Sunday, January 29th, I worked on my INI fireworks oil painting  I am continuing to apply thin layers of paint . . .

Friday, January 20, 2012

Fireworks - - my second oil painting in the series

I am working on my second Oil painting in the "Fireworks" series . . . it's a smaller sized square, 16" x 16" . . . painted in Oil and Gold Leaf paint.

I mix Galkyd and refined Linseed oil with the oil paint to change the viscosity of the paint, so that the layers of paint are thin and perhaps then more luminous . . .

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

a new oil painting in the "Fireworks" series

I am working on a new oil  painting in the "Fireworks" series . . . I created the digital series first, then used one image as a source for a new watercolor which I posted earlier on the blog, and now I am working on the oil painting . . . a work in progress . . .

in some ways I am more at ease with the watercolor medium, i like to play with the oil medium in terms of the chemistry to change to viscosity so that the layers of paint are very thin, and therefore retain that luminescent quality of light that the watercolors have . . . ahhh, we keep on keepin' on . . .

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I have stretched a canvas, and resupplied the studio with Galkyd and odorless turpentine . . . I'm ready to start painting, but I have been dragging my feet on Monday and Tuesday . . . I know the art of self-sabotage . . . of procrastination . . . there is always housework to do -- not that I do it . . . i'm like a satellite who has lost her orbit during that time before the brush strokes begin to fall onto the canvas . . . like a pregnancy, i suppose . . . is it a boy or a girl?

Monday, January 9, 2012

from artist Anna Rita Aprile

"I tuoi acquerelli sono fantastici Maryclaire! Un'esplosione cromatica e dinamica ! Bravissima .Guardandoli mi sento "Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie" "

"Your watercolors are fantastic Maryclaire! An explosion of color and dynamic! Very good. I'm Watching "Alice in Wonderland"  "

  •  Are the elements in this painting too small?
  • the clock without hands and the 2 bird-shaped forms contrast with the more abstract INI glyphs - -
  • color key
these are some issues that arose as I painted the painting . . . too much left brain thinking?

 Also, the medium is watercolor and gold leaf on paper . . . the paper is actually "Arches, Aquarelle" made in France, 100% cotton fiber, cold press

Here you can see that the watercolor "Fireworks - 13" is further along . . . The medium is watercolor and gold leaf on paper

All weekend, I have been working on a watercolor painting based on one of the images in the "Fireworks" series of digital paintings . . .

Friday, January 6, 2012

"Fireworks - 13" in watercolor

Today I am working on a new watercolor "Fireworks - 13" as part of the series I created and uploaded on my last post here . . . .

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I composed the "Fireworks" series of digital paintings by creating two different digital paintings on my new I phone with the app "Glowdraw".  I then placed one over the other in Adobe Photoshop, one with more transparency but that you could still see the forms . . . then I used various filters in Adobe Photoshop to create variations in the image . . .

"Fireworks" - A Series of Digital Paintings

Happy New Year!

Hi, everyone!  Happy New Year . . . I am creating a new Blog here to discuss painting, our INI work as artists, and all manner of things . . .

Maryclaire Holding Daisy the Cat -- we still have our tree up